Surveillance & CyberSecurity
JBI strategically defends our clients' security, networks & data.
Using a combination of threat monitoring, data encryption, vulnerability patching, surveillance equipment installation & client education, we are your go-to source for online and on-location security.
Secure Your Property
We install security cameras with remote viewing software so you can monitor your residence or business from anywhere.
Reduce break-ins and theft with installed cameras.​
We work with a wide range of brands and styles for the perfect solution for your security requirements.
Top 10 Ways to Stay Safe from CyberSecurity Threats
These 10 tips, recommended by the Federal Communications Commission, are the first and most important areas to review when assessing your defenses against cyber attacks.
Train your staff. As soon as your security policies are established, schedule ongoing training sessions with all employees to maintain strong defense practices.
Protect your information with "clean machines." Have the latest security software, web browsers, and operating systems installed with regular updates to defend against evolving viruses, malware and other online threats.
Install firewall security for your internet connection on location and in your remote working employees' homes. A strong firewall prevents outsiders from getting into your private network.
Have a mobile device security protocal. Mobile devices are small personal computers, holding confidential information and providing access to your company's network. Require users to have secure passwords to apps and websites, encrypt their data, and install security applications.
Schedule regular backups of data. When a cyber attack threatens to hold your information hostage or crashes your network, this frees you to access copies of your data with minimized harm.
Control access to computers with accounts for every employee. Prevent unauthorized use of your computers, especially laptops, by ensuring they lock when not in use and setting unique usernames and passwords for all personnel.
Secure your Wi-Fi network. Encrypt and hide your wireless access point or router so your network name, or Service Set Identifier (SSID) is not broadcast. Password protect access to your router.
Lock down payment cards. Use the most trusted and validated tools and auti-fraud services with banks and credit card processors. Include your own security protocol with unique keyphrases, 2-step verification, and access personnel, and don't use the same computer to process payments and surf the internet.
Limit employee access to data and authorization to install software. Entrust your higher-level personnel with required permissions to download applications and software, and to have access to sensitive company data.
Require extremely strong passwords and authentication. Mandate all employees use unique, strong passwords on their applications and email, and to change those passwords every three months. Multi-step authentification can be a great addition to securing your company's data.
Protect Against Cyber Crime
JBI Integration Solutions and Cabling Inc provides hands-on managed cybersecurity services that address today's unique threats to your business.
We reduce risk with a multi-pronged approach:
Build a strong foundation for network security
Set a consistent back-up method for data recovery
Educate all company users on best practices, do's and dont's
Install routine checks and balances for ongoing security auditing
Real-time threat detection and response